Established in 1979, Nutrifood manufactures and markets international-quality
health foods and beverages under leading brands. Our brands are : Nutrisari,
Tropicana Slim, L-Men, WRP, HiLo, and WRP Diet Center (WDC).
Due our rapid growth, we invite dynamic professionals to grow with us, for these
following positions:
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from Information System / Information Technology /
Computer Science, with GPA min. 3.00
* Self motivated, good interpersonal and analytical skills
* Able to work in team and fast learner
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major, preferable from Information Technology /
Information System, with GPA min. 3.00
* Interest in project management, familiar with deadline
* Have a good analytical thinking, communication skill and presentation skill
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable universities majoring in IT / Industrial
Engineering with min. GPA 3.00. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply this
* Strong analytical thinking
* Good communication skill
* Having previous experience as Lab Assistance or other teaching position is an
* Having previous experience with Oracle EBS, especially in INV, WMS & OPM
modules, is an advantage
* Male / Female, age max 27 years
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from Mathematics with GPA min. 3.00
* Good communication and leadership skills
* Have broad knowledge about statistics
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Final year student / Bachelor Degree (S1) from Accounting / Financial
Management with GPA min 3.00
* High analytical skill to solve business issues
* Have leadership capability, well organized and can work under pressure to
meet tight schedule
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from Psychology with GPA min. 3.00
* Have broad knowledge about psychological tools, interpretation, and interview
* Good communication and interpersonal skills
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Final year student / Bachelor Degree (S1) from Food Technology / Chemical,
with min. GPA 3.00
* Have a good analytical thinking, creative, detail, and highly motivated
* Have a good leadership skill and interpersonal skill
* Willing to be placed in our factory
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Final year student / Bachelor Degree (S1) from Industrial Engineering, with
min. GPA 3.00
* Have a good analytical thinking, creative, detail, and highly motivated
* Willing to be placed in our factory
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Diploma Degree (D1/D2/D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major from
reputable university with min. GPA 3.00
* Creative, self motivated, pressure-persistent
* Good communication, interpersonal, and leadership skill
* Attractive and have proportional body
* Have car / motorcycle driving license
* Willing to be placed in all big cities in Indonesia
* Female, age max. 30 years
* Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from any major with min. GPA 2.75
* Broad knowledge in health food, nutrition and diet
* Good communication, interpersonal skill, and selling skill
* Attractive, creative and have proportional body
* Able to work under pressure
* Willing to be placed in mall
* Willing to work on weekend or holiday
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from any major with min. GPA 3.00
* Good in negotiation skills and communication skills
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Female, age max. 30 years
* Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from Public Health / Biology / Pharmacy, with min.
GPA 2.75
* Broad knowledge in Health food, nutrition and diet
* Attractive, good personality, creative, self motivated, pressure persistent
* Having exceptional presentation, communication, & interpersonal skill
* Willing to be placed in mall
* Willing to work on weekend or holiday
* Male / Female, age max. 27 years
* Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from Civil Engineering / related with GPA Min. 2.75
* Able to operate Auto Cad program (3D)
* Good in filing system
* Male/Female, age max. 25 years
* Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from any major, with GPA min. 2,75
* Able to use computer program (microsoft word, excel, power point, internet)
* Detail oriented
* Female, age max. 23 years
* SMU / SMK from any major
* Good communication
* Willing to work on weekend or holiday
* Willing to be placed in mall
* Male, age max. 23 years
* SMU / SMK from any major
* Willing to work on weekend or holiday
* Willing to be placed in mall
* Female, age max. 25 years
* Having good communication and selling skill
* Attractive and have proportional body
* Able to work under pressure
* Willing to be placed in outlet (Jabotabek)
* Male, age max. 25 years
* SMK (4 years) from food / pharmacy / related discipline
* Having leadership skill
* Able to work on shift
* Willing to be placed in our factory
Send your CV, academic transcript, significant documents and recent photograph
PT Nutrifood Indonesia, Jl. Rawabali II No. 3, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur 13920
e-mail :
Please put position code at the left side of envelope or subject e-mail
* Able to work on shift
* Willing to be placed in our factory)
Send your CV, academic transcript, significant documents and recent photograph
PT Nutrifood Indonesia, Jl. Rawabali II No. 3, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur 13920
e-mail :
Please put position code at the left side of envelope or subject e-mail
Because success is a never ending journey
Selasa, 26 April 2011
Kamis, 17 Februari 2011
Web desaign
Pria/Wanita Max 30thn,
Siap kerja overtime,
Siap kerja dengan short deadline,
Good Attitudes,
Siap bekerja multitasking,
Fast learnet dan bekerja dalam team
fresh graduated is welcome
Untuk ditempatkan sebagai:
1. Programmer web
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat.
- Memiliki kemampuan excellent php, ajax, css, html. oracle (nilai tambah).
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam programming, fresh graduate akan dipertimbangkan.
2. DBA
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat
- excellent oracle
3. Design Grafis
- Memiliki kemampuan menggambar karakter
- Menguasai character modelling, rigging, animasi
- Mampu mengoperasikan Blender
- Memiliki pengertian dan kemampuan tentang shader, mapping dan texturing
- excellent corel draw
4. Networking
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat
- excellent cisco
5. Teknisi
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat
- faham hadrware dan jaringan (LAN)
fasilitas selain gaji :
- tempat tinggal
- makan 2 kali sehari
- handphone dan pulsa bulanan
- kendaraan dan uang transport
Contact Person:
fauzi alfa alfi
Kirim CV, foto dan portofolio (jika ada) melalui email dengan Subject: Lamaran Programmer paling lambat 20 Februari 2011
Pria/Wanita Max 30thn,
Siap kerja overtime,
Siap kerja dengan short deadline,
Good Attitudes,
Siap bekerja multitasking,
Fast learnet dan bekerja dalam team
fresh graduated is welcome
Untuk ditempatkan sebagai:
1. Programmer web
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat.
- Memiliki kemampuan excellent php, ajax, css, html. oracle (nilai tambah).
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam programming, fresh graduate akan dipertimbangkan.
2. DBA
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat
- excellent oracle
3. Design Grafis
- Memiliki kemampuan menggambar karakter
- Menguasai character modelling, rigging, animasi
- Mampu mengoperasikan Blender
- Memiliki pengertian dan kemampuan tentang shader, mapping dan texturing
- excellent corel draw
4. Networking
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat
- excellent cisco
5. Teknisi
- Minimal lulusan D3 Informatika atau sederajat
- faham hadrware dan jaringan (LAN)
fasilitas selain gaji :
- tempat tinggal
- makan 2 kali sehari
- handphone dan pulsa bulanan
- kendaraan dan uang transport
Contact Person:
fauzi alfa alfi
Kirim CV, foto dan portofolio (jika ada) melalui email dengan Subject: Lamaran Programmer paling lambat 20 Februari 2011
Loker di Perusahan Sawit
PT. FIRST BORNEO PLANTATIONS, sebuah perusahan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Membutuhkan tenaga professional & berpengalaman untuk penempatan di Putusibau – Kalimantan Barat sebagai:
Pendidikan S1 Teknik Mesin / STM Mesin
Berpengalaman di bidangnya min 5 tahun
Mampu melakukan perbaikan dan perawatan mesin khususnya alat berat
Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan
Min STM (Survey Pemetaan)
Berpengalaman dibidangnya min 5 tahun
Dapat menggunakan thedolit, GPS, program pemetaan (Autocad, Mapinfo, ArcView)
3. Surveyor Draftman (DFM)
Min S1 Teknik Sipil
Pengalaman min 1 tahun dalam bidang design grafis
Memiliki kemampuan design grafis, GPS & transfer data GPS
4. Asisten Bibitan (AB)
Min S1 Pertanian dengan pengalaman 3 tahun
Min SPMA Pertanian dengan pengalaman 7 tahun sebagai planters
Menguasai teknik perkebunan khususnya pembibtan kelapa sawit
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (word & excell)
5. Kepala Tata Usaha (KTU)
SLTA / S1 Accounting
Min pengalaman 7 tahun sebagai KTU di perusahaan kelapa sawit
Menguasai adminsitrasi kantor dan accounting
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Word & excell)
Mampu membimbing karyawan baru
Kirim surat lamaran CV dan Pas Photo terbaru ke cc ke ;
Cantumkan gaji yang diharapkan di surat lamaran, surat lamaran dan CV dalam bentuk DOC. Cantumkan kode Jabatan pada subject atau judul email. Iklan ditutup per tanggal 5 Maret 2011
Pendidikan S1 Teknik Mesin / STM Mesin
Berpengalaman di bidangnya min 5 tahun
Mampu melakukan perbaikan dan perawatan mesin khususnya alat berat
Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan
Min STM (Survey Pemetaan)
Berpengalaman dibidangnya min 5 tahun
Dapat menggunakan thedolit, GPS, program pemetaan (Autocad, Mapinfo, ArcView)
3. Surveyor Draftman (DFM)
Min S1 Teknik Sipil
Pengalaman min 1 tahun dalam bidang design grafis
Memiliki kemampuan design grafis, GPS & transfer data GPS
4. Asisten Bibitan (AB)
Min S1 Pertanian dengan pengalaman 3 tahun
Min SPMA Pertanian dengan pengalaman 7 tahun sebagai planters
Menguasai teknik perkebunan khususnya pembibtan kelapa sawit
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (word & excell)
5. Kepala Tata Usaha (KTU)
SLTA / S1 Accounting
Min pengalaman 7 tahun sebagai KTU di perusahaan kelapa sawit
Menguasai adminsitrasi kantor dan accounting
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Word & excell)
Mampu membimbing karyawan baru
Kirim surat lamaran CV dan Pas Photo terbaru ke cc ke ;
Cantumkan gaji yang diharapkan di surat lamaran, surat lamaran dan CV dalam bentuk DOC. Cantumkan kode Jabatan pada subject atau judul email. Iklan ditutup per tanggal 5 Maret 2011
Senin, 31 Januari 2011
Operator di Arab Saudi
Dibutuhkan beberapa operator untuk penempatan di Arab Saudi.
1. Creaser Cutter Operator
Syarat : paham mengoperasikan mesin CNC
Usia : 25 - 40 tahun.
2. Frame Sealer Operator
Syarat : 2 tahun pengalaman di perusahaan kertas atau percetakan
Usia : 25 - 35 tahun
3. Printing Press Operator
Syarat : 3 tahun di perusahaan percetakan dan paham tentang Printing Production
Usia : 25 - 35 tahun
4. Injection Moulding Operator
Syarat : Min. 3 tahun memegang Injection Moulding Machine
Usia : 25 - 40 tahun
5. Ink Matcher
Syarat : 2 tahun minimal menangani Ink Matching
Usia : 25 - 40 tahun.
Persyaratan umum:
1. Diutamakan yang menguasai bahasa Inggris.
2. Minimal tamatan SLTA
Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi alamat di bawah ini.
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630
Tel.+62218001987 Fax.+62218014020
1. Creaser Cutter Operator
Syarat : paham mengoperasikan mesin CNC
Usia : 25 - 40 tahun.
2. Frame Sealer Operator
Syarat : 2 tahun pengalaman di perusahaan kertas atau percetakan
Usia : 25 - 35 tahun
3. Printing Press Operator
Syarat : 3 tahun di perusahaan percetakan dan paham tentang Printing Production
Usia : 25 - 35 tahun
4. Injection Moulding Operator
Syarat : Min. 3 tahun memegang Injection Moulding Machine
Usia : 25 - 40 tahun
5. Ink Matcher
Syarat : 2 tahun minimal menangani Ink Matching
Usia : 25 - 40 tahun.
Persyaratan umum:
1. Diutamakan yang menguasai bahasa Inggris.
2. Minimal tamatan SLTA
Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi alamat di bawah ini.
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630
Tel.+62218001987 Fax.+62218014020
Currently vacant positions:
* Waiter/waitress
* Captain Waiter/Waitress
* House Keeping
General Requirements:
* Available for Female Applicants
* Having minimum 2 years experience from 4/5 star hotels
* Good Appearance and personality
* Excellent Communication in ENGLISH.
* Accomodation
* Local Transport
* And other benefits according to Millenium - Copthorne - Kingsgate Group of Hotels and Kuwait Labor Law.
To apply just send your CV with recent thumb size photograph to or
Best Regards,
Jalan Tegal Parang Utara No.41
Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan
Website :
Contact person : 081210894718 ( ibu tini )
* Waiter/waitress
* Captain Waiter/Waitress
* House Keeping
General Requirements:
* Available for Female Applicants
* Having minimum 2 years experience from 4/5 star hotels
* Good Appearance and personality
* Excellent Communication in ENGLISH.
* Accomodation
* Local Transport
* And other benefits according to Millenium - Copthorne - Kingsgate Group of Hotels and Kuwait Labor Law.
To apply just send your CV with recent thumb size photograph to or
Best Regards,
Jalan Tegal Parang Utara No.41
Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan
Website :
Contact person : 081210894718 ( ibu tini )
We are RPE GROUP also known as RPE-Engineering, Engineering & Contractor Companies for oil and gas industry immediately looking for several positions:
1. Electrical Superintendent
· Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree in related field
· At least 3 year(s) of working experience as electrical superintendent/ senior supervisor role in oil & gas industry.
2. Middle Electrical Engineer
a. Minimum Bachelor Degree from Electrical Engineering
b. Minimum 3 years experiences in design engineering oil and gas industry
c. Familiar with related standard and codes
d. Good command in English
3. Middle Civil/ Structure Engineer
a. Minimum Bachelor Degree from Civil/Ocean Engineering
b. Minimum 3 years experiences in design engineering oil and gas industry
c. Familiar with related standard and codes
d. Good command in English
Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed
Please send your application (max. 200kb) with POSITION AND YOUR NAME ON
to : cc:
We are RPE GROUP also known as RPE-Engineering, Engineering & Contractor Companies for oil and gas industry immediately looking for several positions:
1. Electrical Superintendent
· Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree in related field
· At least 3 year(s) of working experience as electrical superintendent/ senior supervisor role in oil & gas industry.
2. Middle Electrical Engineer
a. Minimum Bachelor Degree from Electrical Engineering
b. Minimum 3 years experiences in design engineering oil and gas industry
c. Familiar with related standard and codes
d. Good command in English
3. Middle Civil/ Structure Engineer
a. Minimum Bachelor Degree from Civil/Ocean Engineering
b. Minimum 3 years experiences in design engineering oil and gas industry
c. Familiar with related standard and codes
d. Good command in English
Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed
Please send your application (max. 200kb) with POSITION AND YOUR NAME ON
to : cc:
* Male / Female, max. 28 years old
* Bachelor Degree in any major
* Have a good communication and persuasion skill
* Have working experience in banking system
* Willing to mobile work
Send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph and put the position code (AE-M0111) on e-mail subject to :
OR put the position code (AE-M0111) on your left side envelope to :
PT Mitra Kerja Utama
Wisma 76, 18th fl.
Jl. S. Parman Kav. 76
Jakarta 11410
Ph: 536.666.18
* Male / Female, max. 28 years old
* Bachelor Degree in any major
* Have a good communication and persuasion skill
* Have working experience in banking system
* Willing to mobile work
Send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph and put the position code (AE-M0111) on e-mail subject to :
OR put the position code (AE-M0111) on your left side envelope to :
PT Mitra Kerja Utama
Wisma 76, 18th fl.
Jl. S. Parman Kav. 76
Jakarta 11410
Ph: 536.666.18
We have an opening as Factory Manager with one of our clients.
The detailed Job description is below:
A well known and leading Office Document Management Offset-Printing Products Group of Company and Client of Konsultan Executive Search Affix is looking for a Factory Manager for its Tangerang and Bekasi Factory. ,
Position / Title : Factory Manager ,
Job Requirement details: ,
You can also apply online for this opportunity at ,
We treat our Candidate resumes in a professional manner and strictly confidential, as our code of ethics. If you meet the above requirement and interested with the position, please kindly send your resume, CV, and recent photograph to : , , Cc : ,
Hoping for the best response from you all, ,
Awaiting your reply eagerly, ,
If not suitable for you, kindly forward it to anyone interested in this opportunity. ,
Truly yours, ,
Thanks & Regards, ,
Amriwansyah Kumara ,
Corporate Senior Sales Manager ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PT Affix Consulting ,
Jl. Cempaka Putih Tengah No.38 Jakarta Pusat ,
Jakarta 10510, Indonesia ,
Phone +62 [21] 422 7570 | Fax +62 [21] 421 2078 ,
Visit our website at : , , , ,
Konsultan Executive Search Affix, A Corporate & Business Group Division of PT Affix Consulting, is an Indonesian headhunting and manpower recruitment firm of high repute and acknowledgment. We are operational since seven years and the list of companies availing our services include many large Indonesian Company, offering broad range of quality services under one roof. ,
We provide premium staffing services and solutions to various of Companies & Industries and hundreds of Candidates each year in the fields of Finance & Accounts, Pharmacy & Textiles, Hotel & Hospital, Real Estate, MNC, IT & Telecom, HRD & Admin, and to senior level Technical & Marketing Professional. ,
Our provide following services to Corporate and Business Groups: ,
1. Manpower Recruitment across all Cities in Indonesia. ,
2. We also undertake Temporary contract (contract agreement base on client opening position) and Permanent Contract (one Year contract agreement) Staffing Placement. One of the main advantages of dealing with us is that we can cater to your requirements in a number of places across Indonesia. ,
3. We also assist, guide and handle Corporate in relation to their Labour Law compliances and other statutory compliances in select locations. ,
4. Our role for Recruitment and Placement Fee: Fees are depend on Placement “ Success base “. ,
5. We guarantee to free of change replacement within 3 (three) months if the candidate is not deemed in accordance with the client criteria proposed. ,
Our Staffing Solutions includes solutions for applicant tracking, phone screening, skills assessments, behavioral assessments, and structured interviews. This enables organizations to expand the pool of qualified candidates, concentrate interviewing efforts on high-potential candidates, measure candidates with certainly based on technologically advance qualification techniques, and reduce recruiting cost and assessment time. ,
Our solutions enable our clients to improve the effectiveness of their resource hiring plans, increase employee productivity and retention, decrease costs, and improve management decision making based on analyzing and summarizing key HR metrics associated with employee performance. We aim at bridging the gap between the companies that desire an efficient workforce and the eligible candidate. ,
The detailed Job description is below:
A well known and leading Office Document Management Offset-Printing Products Group of Company and Client of Konsultan Executive Search Affix is looking for a Factory Manager for its Tangerang and Bekasi Factory. ,
Position / Title : Factory Manager ,
Job Requirement details: ,
You can also apply online for this opportunity at ,
We treat our Candidate resumes in a professional manner and strictly confidential, as our code of ethics. If you meet the above requirement and interested with the position, please kindly send your resume, CV, and recent photograph to : , , Cc : ,
Hoping for the best response from you all, ,
Awaiting your reply eagerly, ,
If not suitable for you, kindly forward it to anyone interested in this opportunity. ,
Truly yours, ,
Thanks & Regards, ,
Amriwansyah Kumara ,
Corporate Senior Sales Manager ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PT Affix Consulting ,
Jl. Cempaka Putih Tengah No.38 Jakarta Pusat ,
Jakarta 10510, Indonesia ,
Phone +62 [21] 422 7570 | Fax +62 [21] 421 2078 ,
Visit our website at : , , , ,
Konsultan Executive Search Affix, A Corporate & Business Group Division of PT Affix Consulting, is an Indonesian headhunting and manpower recruitment firm of high repute and acknowledgment. We are operational since seven years and the list of companies availing our services include many large Indonesian Company, offering broad range of quality services under one roof. ,
We provide premium staffing services and solutions to various of Companies & Industries and hundreds of Candidates each year in the fields of Finance & Accounts, Pharmacy & Textiles, Hotel & Hospital, Real Estate, MNC, IT & Telecom, HRD & Admin, and to senior level Technical & Marketing Professional. ,
Our provide following services to Corporate and Business Groups: ,
1. Manpower Recruitment across all Cities in Indonesia. ,
2. We also undertake Temporary contract (contract agreement base on client opening position) and Permanent Contract (one Year contract agreement) Staffing Placement. One of the main advantages of dealing with us is that we can cater to your requirements in a number of places across Indonesia. ,
3. We also assist, guide and handle Corporate in relation to their Labour Law compliances and other statutory compliances in select locations. ,
4. Our role for Recruitment and Placement Fee: Fees are depend on Placement “ Success base “. ,
5. We guarantee to free of change replacement within 3 (three) months if the candidate is not deemed in accordance with the client criteria proposed. ,
Our Staffing Solutions includes solutions for applicant tracking, phone screening, skills assessments, behavioral assessments, and structured interviews. This enables organizations to expand the pool of qualified candidates, concentrate interviewing efforts on high-potential candidates, measure candidates with certainly based on technologically advance qualification techniques, and reduce recruiting cost and assessment time. ,
Our solutions enable our clients to improve the effectiveness of their resource hiring plans, increase employee productivity and retention, decrease costs, and improve management decision making based on analyzing and summarizing key HR metrics associated with employee performance. We aim at bridging the gap between the companies that desire an efficient workforce and the eligible candidate. ,
Loker di PT.Anugerah Sinergi Jaya
Sebuah perusahaan kontraktor multinasional yang bergerak dibidang High Rise Building saat ini membutuhkan tenaga muda profesional utk ditempatkan pada posisi:
1. LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environment Design) Engineer
* Pria Maksimal 38 th.
* Berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
* S1 Teknik Lingkungan dari Universitas ternama
* Berpengalaman di bidang HRB minimal 5 (lima) tahun
* Mengerti/ pernah menangani pembangunan gedung dengan konsep Green Building
* Bisa bekerjasama dalam sebuah tim
* jujur dan cekatan
2. QC for MEP work
* Pria Maksimal 38 th.
* Berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
* S1 Teknik Elektro/ Mekanikal dari Universitas ternama
* Berpengalaman di bidang HRB minimal 5 (lima) tahun
* Bisa bekerjasama dalam sebuah tim
* Jujur dan cekatan
Lamaran dan CV dikirmkan ke
PT. Anugrah Sinergi Adijaya
Komplek Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading
Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading Blok A 6 A No. 26
Tlp. 021 45874559 - 71464884 Fax. 71464883
Email :
Jakarta Utara
Best Regards,
T. Mirza Arafat
1. LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environment Design) Engineer
* Pria Maksimal 38 th.
* Berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
* S1 Teknik Lingkungan dari Universitas ternama
* Berpengalaman di bidang HRB minimal 5 (lima) tahun
* Mengerti/ pernah menangani pembangunan gedung dengan konsep Green Building
* Bisa bekerjasama dalam sebuah tim
* jujur dan cekatan
2. QC for MEP work
* Pria Maksimal 38 th.
* Berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
* S1 Teknik Elektro/ Mekanikal dari Universitas ternama
* Berpengalaman di bidang HRB minimal 5 (lima) tahun
* Bisa bekerjasama dalam sebuah tim
* Jujur dan cekatan
Lamaran dan CV dikirmkan ke
PT. Anugrah Sinergi Adijaya
Komplek Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading
Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading Blok A 6 A No. 26
Tlp. 021 45874559 - 71464884 Fax. 71464883
Email :
Jakarta Utara
Best Regards,
T. Mirza Arafat
Dicari IT di Pontianak
VACANCY as IT Officer - URGENT!!!
DONATA SERVICES INDONESIA is recruiting IT Professionals! In order to help one of our client, a Multinational IT company whom needs professionals to be positioned as IT Officer, and to be located in the following area (preferable those from respective area to apply):
ITO-Pontianak (Code : ITO-Pnk)
a. Single, maximum age: 30 years old.
b. Education in IT (Informatics, Computer science, etc)
c. Communicate well in English (Oral and written)
d. High motivation
e. Have knowledge in MS Operating System, LAN, WAN, and Internet setting.
f. Preferable those who has experience as IT Helpdesk minimum 1 (one) year.
If you have the above qualifications and willing to be relocated in that respective area, send your application letter and Resume/CV to: in MS Word (please limit your file to max 200 KB). Write down the Code in the subject of your e-mail and in your application letter. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
The candidate will be trained for 4 (four) weeks in Jakarta. The responsibilities of the candidates are: to install a self-build application program; synchronize the database; troubleshoot and maintain the program performance.
We prefer the candidate who is coming from those areas and would like to return back to their hometown or someone wants to take a challenge.
Recruitment Team
"We provide the Best HR Solution for you!"
DONATA SERVICES INDONESIA is recruiting IT Professionals! In order to help one of our client, a Multinational IT company whom needs professionals to be positioned as IT Officer, and to be located in the following area (preferable those from respective area to apply):
ITO-Pontianak (Code : ITO-Pnk)
a. Single, maximum age: 30 years old.
b. Education in IT (Informatics, Computer science, etc)
c. Communicate well in English (Oral and written)
d. High motivation
e. Have knowledge in MS Operating System, LAN, WAN, and Internet setting.
f. Preferable those who has experience as IT Helpdesk minimum 1 (one) year.
If you have the above qualifications and willing to be relocated in that respective area, send your application letter and Resume/CV to: in MS Word (please limit your file to max 200 KB). Write down the Code in the subject of your e-mail and in your application letter. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
The candidate will be trained for 4 (four) weeks in Jakarta. The responsibilities of the candidates are: to install a self-build application program; synchronize the database; troubleshoot and maintain the program performance.
We prefer the candidate who is coming from those areas and would like to return back to their hometown or someone wants to take a challenge.
Recruitment Team
"We provide the Best HR Solution for you!"
PT BNI Persero
Klien kami, PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk - Kanwil Jakarta Kemayoran, salah satu bank BUMN terkemuka di Indonesia, membutuhkan orang-orang yang berkualitas untuk posisi-posisi berikut:
Teller ( TELL - BNI )
Customer Service ( CS – BNI )
Kualifikasi :
· Perempuan / Laki-laki, Single
· Minimal D3 dari segala jurusan
· Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm (Wanita) dan 165 cm (Pria)
· IPK Min. 2.75 untuk perguruan tinggi swasta
· IPK Min. 2.5 untuk perguruan tinggi negeri
· Usia maksimal 26 tahun
· Penampilan menarik
· Cakap dalam hal berkomunikasi
Kandidat diharapkan untuk mengirimkan cv lengkap dalam format MS Word beserta foto terbaru dengan mencantumkan gaji terakhir serta gaji yang diharapkan melalui e-mail :
Cantumkan posisi TELL – BNI / CS – BNI pada subject e-mail.
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dihubungi lebih lanjut.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our mailing list at
Teller ( TELL - BNI )
Customer Service ( CS – BNI )
Kualifikasi :
· Perempuan / Laki-laki, Single
· Minimal D3 dari segala jurusan
· Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm (Wanita) dan 165 cm (Pria)
· IPK Min. 2.75 untuk perguruan tinggi swasta
· IPK Min. 2.5 untuk perguruan tinggi negeri
· Usia maksimal 26 tahun
· Penampilan menarik
· Cakap dalam hal berkomunikasi
Kandidat diharapkan untuk mengirimkan cv lengkap dalam format MS Word beserta foto terbaru dengan mencantumkan gaji terakhir serta gaji yang diharapkan melalui e-mail :
Cantumkan posisi TELL – BNI / CS – BNI pada subject e-mail.
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dihubungi lebih lanjut.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our mailing list at
Perusahaan Di Qatar
Urgently needed project manager (mechanical) for Qatar placement. Detail requirement as follows:
* Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Project Management
* Managing EPC Projects in Technical, Commercial & Safety
* 10-15 yrs. experience in the same capacity as Project Manager within Oil & Gas environment dealing with EPIC with on shore & off shore experience
* 10 years Overall Project Management experience as Primary Contractor
* Good Negotiator, Team Builder and Man Manager
* Age preferred between 40-45 yrs. old.
* Must be immediately available for employment within 1 month's notice.
Submit your CV to
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630
Tel+62218001987 Fax.+62218014020
* Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Project Management
* Managing EPC Projects in Technical, Commercial & Safety
* 10-15 yrs. experience in the same capacity as Project Manager within Oil & Gas environment dealing with EPIC with on shore & off shore experience
* 10 years Overall Project Management experience as Primary Contractor
* Good Negotiator, Team Builder and Man Manager
* Age preferred between 40-45 yrs. old.
* Must be immediately available for employment within 1 month's notice.
Submit your CV to
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630
Tel+62218001987 Fax.+62218014020
Hotel Bahrin
Our client, Novotel Hotel Bahrain, open for new position:
Training Manager
Senior Chef de Partie
Banquet Captain
Chef de Partie
Demi Chef de Partie
Outlet Supervisor
FO Spv
Hostess/ Cashier
HK attendant
Basic Salary
Medical Coverage
Professional Post Secondary / Bachelor for Training Manager position
Good command of English
Arabic speaking preferred
Minimum 2 to 3 years experience in same position in 4 to 5 star hotel.
Holding a valid passport
Please send your CV and full body picture to:
For more information regarding the job, please call our office at:
(021) 5365-2906 / (021) 6055-2906 esia / (021) 3290-6467 fleksi / 0813-22692689 simpati
Training Manager
Senior Chef de Partie
Banquet Captain
Chef de Partie
Demi Chef de Partie
Outlet Supervisor
FO Spv
Hostess/ Cashier
HK attendant
Basic Salary
Medical Coverage
Professional Post Secondary / Bachelor for Training Manager position
Good command of English
Arabic speaking preferred
Minimum 2 to 3 years experience in same position in 4 to 5 star hotel.
Holding a valid passport
Please send your CV and full body picture to:
For more information regarding the job, please call our office at:
(021) 5365-2906 / (021) 6055-2906 esia / (021) 3290-6467 fleksi / 0813-22692689 simpati
Danareksa sebagai perusahaan investasi terbesar di Indonesia merupakan sebuah perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dengan pengalaman lebih dari 35 tahun. Danareksa merupakan perusahaan investasi yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik dari nasabah institusi hingga nasabah retail, dengan lebih dari 33 cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, membuka kesempatan emas untuk bergabung sebagai:
Customer Service
(Kode: CS-RDD)
1. Wanita, pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan
2. Menguasai komputer terutama MS Excel dan MS Word
3. Ramah dan Supel
4. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang pekerjaan serupa
5. Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di Sentra Investasi Danareksa Mangga Dua, Jakarta Pusat
Kirimkan surat lamaran, curriculum vitae dengan foto, dan data pendukung lainnya melalui email paling lambat 30 Januari 2011, serta tuliskan kode posisi (CS-RDD) di subject email ke:
Customer Service
(Kode: CS-RDD)
1. Wanita, pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan
2. Menguasai komputer terutama MS Excel dan MS Word
3. Ramah dan Supel
4. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang pekerjaan serupa
5. Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di Sentra Investasi Danareksa Mangga Dua, Jakarta Pusat
Kirimkan surat lamaran, curriculum vitae dengan foto, dan data pendukung lainnya melalui email paling lambat 30 Januari 2011, serta tuliskan kode posisi (CS-RDD) di subject email ke:
Loker di Batu Batik Hotel Bandung
d'Batoe Boutique Hotel Bandung (Member of Guci Group)
is urgently seeking for qualified candidates for:
• Female/male, Max. 25 years old of age
• Candidate with a Diploma or Degree in Hospitality/Tourism/Hotel Management or equivalent preferred
• Has at least 1 yrs working experience in the same position
• Excellent command in English
• Computer literate
• Able to work under pressure& Highly motivated
• Hard work, energetic, and talented
• Hold relevant residence status (Bandung)
Please address your interest by sending your CV to HRD :
Human Resources Department
d'Batoe Boutique Hotel
Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 78, Bandung 40171
or email :
is urgently seeking for qualified candidates for:
• Female/male, Max. 25 years old of age
• Candidate with a Diploma or Degree in Hospitality/Tourism/Hotel Management or equivalent preferred
• Has at least 1 yrs working experience in the same position
• Excellent command in English
• Computer literate
• Able to work under pressure& Highly motivated
• Hard work, energetic, and talented
• Hold relevant residence status (Bandung)
Please address your interest by sending your CV to HRD :
Human Resources Department
d'Batoe Boutique Hotel
Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 78, Bandung 40171
or email :
People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta.
Our clients, a Bank Industry in Jakarta, is looking for young professional, who is committed to be part of their team as :
1. Pengalaman min 5 tahun di Research
2. Mempunyai kemampuan analisa dan forecasting
3. Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
4. Mempunyai Leadership
5. Mempunyai Market Sense
6. Bisa berinteraksi dengan Sales dan Clients
7. Memiliki marketing dan presentation skill
1. Pengalaman min 2 tahun
2. Mengerti pasar obligasi
3. Bisa bekerja sendiri
4. Mempunyai kemampuan analisa dan forecasting
5. Mempunyai market sense
6. Bisa berinteraksi dengan Sales dan Clients
7. Memiliki marketing dan presentation skill
Please email your application letter, detailed CV and recent photograph (Ms.Word 2003 format, Max 200Kb) to :
Before January 21th , 2011. Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. Example PDA 229#Dian
People Development Agency
ROYAL PALACE Office Complex B-12
Jl. Prof Dr. Soepomo SH No 178A
Jakarta Selatan 12870 - Indonesia
Telp : (021) 8314563, 8314567
Fax : (021) 8314230
Our clients, a Bank Industry in Jakarta, is looking for young professional, who is committed to be part of their team as :
1. Pengalaman min 5 tahun di Research
2. Mempunyai kemampuan analisa dan forecasting
3. Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
4. Mempunyai Leadership
5. Mempunyai Market Sense
6. Bisa berinteraksi dengan Sales dan Clients
7. Memiliki marketing dan presentation skill
1. Pengalaman min 2 tahun
2. Mengerti pasar obligasi
3. Bisa bekerja sendiri
4. Mempunyai kemampuan analisa dan forecasting
5. Mempunyai market sense
6. Bisa berinteraksi dengan Sales dan Clients
7. Memiliki marketing dan presentation skill
Please email your application letter, detailed CV and recent photograph (Ms.Word 2003 format, Max 200Kb) to :
Before January 21th , 2011. Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. Example PDA 229#Dian
People Development Agency
ROYAL PALACE Office Complex B-12
Jl. Prof Dr. Soepomo SH No 178A
Jakarta Selatan 12870 - Indonesia
Telp : (021) 8314563, 8314567
Fax : (021) 8314230
Loker di Perusahaan Trader
Perusahaan trading komoditi agro membutuhkan segera
1. Ka. Gudang
2. Corporate Marketing
3. Staff Keuangan
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Pengalaman min. 2 th
• Punya Kendaraan sendiri/ SIM A/C (1&2)
• Diutamakan belum menikah
• Jujur, kreatif, pekerja keras& komunikatif
Lamaran lengkap dikirimkan ke PO BOX 1349 JKB 11013
1. Ka. Gudang
2. Corporate Marketing
3. Staff Keuangan
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Pengalaman min. 2 th
• Punya Kendaraan sendiri/ SIM A/C (1&2)
• Diutamakan belum menikah
• Jujur, kreatif, pekerja keras& komunikatif
Lamaran lengkap dikirimkan ke PO BOX 1349 JKB 11013
Jumat, 28 Januari 2011
Sales Officer
» Sales » Direct / Retail
Kepegawaian : Penuh Waktu
Posisi : Sales Officer
Industri : Perdagangan Umum & Distribusi
Lokasi : Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta -
Terpasang : 06 Jan 2011
Tutup : 28 Feb 2011
Perusahaan : PT Fenue Giri Kencana
Gaji : Negosiasi
Info lengkap lowongan
Kami adalah perusahaan swasta berskala nasional yang bergerak di bidang business solution center yang menyediakan solusi total untuk kebutuhan usaha baik berupa produk, layanan dan solusi dengan harga terjangkau.
Membutuhkan segera untuk menempati posisi sebagai Sales Officer
Dengan syarat-syarat sbb :
Pendidikan Min. SMA/Diploma/Sarjana
Pria dengan umur max. 35 tahun
Berpengalaman min. 1 (satu) tahun terutama di bidang alat tulis, alat kantor, mesin fotocopy, IT, komputer atau outsoursing lebih diutamakan
Dapat bekerjasama dengan team dan bekerja di bawah tekanan
Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan berdomisilih di Jakarta selatan, Jakarta Timur atau Depok
Jujur, kreatif, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, dan dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan
Menguasai aplikasi Microsoft (Words, Excel & Power Point), OpenOffice diutamakan
Pelajar/Mahasiswa baru lulus silahkan melamar
Kandidat yang memiliki kualifikasi seperti di atas dapat melamar berkas lamaran lengkap (surat lamaran, CV, pas foto, ijasah & transkrip) di
Persyaratan Lowongan
Kisaran Usia : 20 - 35 year(s)
Min. Pengalaman : 2 Tahun
Min. Kualifikasi : Diploma / D1 - D3
PT Fenue Giri Kencana
Alamat Surat
Jl Tanjung Barat 81E Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta - 12520
Kontak : Sri Lestari
Telepon : 02136201776
Fax : 0217817564
Website :
Sales Officer
» Sales » Direct / Retail
Kepegawaian : Penuh Waktu
Posisi : Sales Officer
Industri : Perdagangan Umum & Distribusi
Lokasi : Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta -
Terpasang : 06 Jan 2011
Tutup : 28 Feb 2011
Perusahaan : PT Fenue Giri Kencana
Gaji : Negosiasi
Info lengkap lowongan
Kami adalah perusahaan swasta berskala nasional yang bergerak di bidang business solution center yang menyediakan solusi total untuk kebutuhan usaha baik berupa produk, layanan dan solusi dengan harga terjangkau.
Membutuhkan segera untuk menempati posisi sebagai Sales Officer
Dengan syarat-syarat sbb :
Pendidikan Min. SMA/Diploma/Sarjana
Pria dengan umur max. 35 tahun
Berpengalaman min. 1 (satu) tahun terutama di bidang alat tulis, alat kantor, mesin fotocopy, IT, komputer atau outsoursing lebih diutamakan
Dapat bekerjasama dengan team dan bekerja di bawah tekanan
Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan berdomisilih di Jakarta selatan, Jakarta Timur atau Depok
Jujur, kreatif, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, dan dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan
Menguasai aplikasi Microsoft (Words, Excel & Power Point), OpenOffice diutamakan
Pelajar/Mahasiswa baru lulus silahkan melamar
Kandidat yang memiliki kualifikasi seperti di atas dapat melamar berkas lamaran lengkap (surat lamaran, CV, pas foto, ijasah & transkrip) di
Persyaratan Lowongan
Kisaran Usia : 20 - 35 year(s)
Min. Pengalaman : 2 Tahun
Min. Kualifikasi : Diploma / D1 - D3
PT Fenue Giri Kencana
Alamat Surat
Jl Tanjung Barat 81E Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta - 12520
Kontak : Sri Lestari
Telepon : 02136201776
Fax : 0217817564
Website :
Loker IT
A Start-up System Integrator Company for retail and restaurant looking for Technical Support personnel:
1. Able to read technical document in English
2. Skilled in VB
3. Able to make Windows Application
4. Knowledgeable in Net Working
5. Willing to travel and working after office hour
6. Own Vehicle
7. Will considered more if the candidate know XML and HTML
Apt.Laguna Pluit Lt.Dasar. Blok B No.58
Jl.Pluit Timur Raya Blok MM
Jakarta 14450
A Start-up System Integrator Company for retail and restaurant looking for Technical Support personnel:
1. Able to read technical document in English
2. Skilled in VB
3. Able to make Windows Application
4. Knowledgeable in Net Working
5. Willing to travel and working after office hour
6. Own Vehicle
7. Will considered more if the candidate know XML and HTML
Apt.Laguna Pluit Lt.Dasar. Blok B No.58
Jl.Pluit Timur Raya Blok MM
Jakarta 14450
Dicari Supir
KSB Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergarak dalam bidang produksi pompa, valve dan sistemnya. Berdiri di Indonesia sejak 1993 dan merupakan anak perusahaan KSB Jerman.
Untuk mendukung pertumbuhan kami, saat ini kami membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk posisi Driver operasional, dengan syarat:
1. Laki - laki, maks. 35 tahun.
2. Pendidikan min. SLTA.
3. Memiliki SIM A dan C
4. Mengerti dan hafal rute jalan di jabodetabek.
5. Berdomisili di Jakarta Utara dan sekitarnya (lebih disukai)
6. Inggris pasif.
7. Bersedia kerja lembur.
8. Jujur, Ulet dan Rajin.
9. Bersedia ditempatkan di Sales office (Cawang Kencana Buiding)
Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan mengirimkan lamaran ke:
Jl. Timor Blok D2-1, Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Cibitung.
atau email ke:
Untuk mendukung pertumbuhan kami, saat ini kami membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk posisi Driver operasional, dengan syarat:
1. Laki - laki, maks. 35 tahun.
2. Pendidikan min. SLTA.
3. Memiliki SIM A dan C
4. Mengerti dan hafal rute jalan di jabodetabek.
5. Berdomisili di Jakarta Utara dan sekitarnya (lebih disukai)
6. Inggris pasif.
7. Bersedia kerja lembur.
8. Jujur, Ulet dan Rajin.
9. Bersedia ditempatkan di Sales office (Cawang Kencana Buiding)
Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan mengirimkan lamaran ke:
Jl. Timor Blok D2-1, Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Cibitung.
atau email ke:
Job Asisten Manager
R&D Assistant Manager
(Jakarta Base)
* Age: 32-37 years old
* Male/Female
* Graduated in Food Technology or Management from reputable university
* Experienced minimum 3 years in same position
* Must have experienced in R&D in DAIRY, LIQUID FOOD, ICE CREAM
* Strong leadership, management & negotiation skill
* Good communication, interpersonal and presentation / training skill
* Fluent English both oral and written.
* Computer literate (Word, Excel and Power Point)
* High motivation, dynamic and enthusiastic
* Ready to work under pressure situation and with tight deadline
If you interest to apply, Please send us your full resume to
only shortlist candidate will be notified
(Jakarta Base)
* Age: 32-37 years old
* Male/Female
* Graduated in Food Technology or Management from reputable university
* Experienced minimum 3 years in same position
* Must have experienced in R&D in DAIRY, LIQUID FOOD, ICE CREAM
* Strong leadership, management & negotiation skill
* Good communication, interpersonal and presentation / training skill
* Fluent English both oral and written.
* Computer literate (Word, Excel and Power Point)
* High motivation, dynamic and enthusiastic
* Ready to work under pressure situation and with tight deadline
If you interest to apply, Please send us your full resume to
only shortlist candidate will be notified
Restaurant Loker
We are Bar Bistro & Beach Club urgently needs position below:
1. Restaurant Manager.
2. Restaurant Supervisor.
3. Waiter/waitress
4. Greeter / Host
5. Bar Manager
6. Bar Supervisor
7. Bartender.
8. Kitchen Sous Chef
9. HRD Executive
* Max 35 years old
* Good looking & nice person
* Fluent in English
* Have experience in each position min 3 years
If you meet our requirement please send your CV to
1. Restaurant Manager.
2. Restaurant Supervisor.
3. Waiter/waitress
4. Greeter / Host
5. Bar Manager
6. Bar Supervisor
7. Bartender.
8. Kitchen Sous Chef
9. HRD Executive
* Max 35 years old
* Good looking & nice person
* Fluent in English
* Have experience in each position min 3 years
If you meet our requirement please send your CV to
Klien kami, sebuah perusahan retail terkemuka berlokasi di Jakarta, saat ini sedang membuka peluang besar kepada calon potensial dalam kapasitas sebagai:
· Pria, maksimal 42 tahun
· Pendidikan minimal S-1 jurusan Teknik Sipil dari universitas terkemuka
· Pengalaman minimal 10 tahun di building project/ maintenance/ Mall/ Apartment
· Mampu membuat estimasi project
· Memiliki kemampuan manajerial, komunikatif serta percaya diri
· Mampu dan memiliki motivasi dan inisiatif kerja yang baik
Email segera surat lamaran Anda ke:
Wisma Tendean Lt. 3
Jl. Kapten P. Tendean No. 7
· Pria, maksimal 42 tahun
· Pendidikan minimal S-1 jurusan Teknik Sipil dari universitas terkemuka
· Pengalaman minimal 10 tahun di building project/ maintenance/ Mall/ Apartment
· Mampu membuat estimasi project
· Memiliki kemampuan manajerial, komunikatif serta percaya diri
· Mampu dan memiliki motivasi dan inisiatif kerja yang baik
Email segera surat lamaran Anda ke:
Wisma Tendean Lt. 3
Jl. Kapten P. Tendean No. 7
Metro Telworks was founded in 2004 by Telecom Visionaries with objective We Connect, We Deliver. Our head office is in India and operates several offices in Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines. Metro Telworks acts through PT. Metro Global Services in Indonesia as a Global Telecommunication Industry company, specialized in RF (Planning & Optimization) services, Network Performance Services to Wireless providers and Project management.
We are trying to Provide Cost Effective Services to operators/vendors for emerging Telecom Networks, and carry innovative services that would enable our customers to achieve excellence in their performance.
PT. Metro Global Services attracts talented individuals to post several positions as follows;
Recruitment Officer
* Male/femlae
* Min 2 years experience in recruitment (unlimited resources, conduct interview, personal approach, salary negotiation, etc)
* Hard working, energetic, problem solving
* English literate is a must
* Telecommunication background (preferably)
* Able to recruit with deadline
* Availability : Immediately
If you are confident and meet our requirements, send your complete resume and latest photograph to :
Human Resources Department
PT. Metro Global Services
Menara Duta Building 2nd Floor Wing B
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. B-9
South Jakarta 12910
Email :
We are trying to Provide Cost Effective Services to operators/vendors for emerging Telecom Networks, and carry innovative services that would enable our customers to achieve excellence in their performance.
PT. Metro Global Services attracts talented individuals to post several positions as follows;
Recruitment Officer
* Male/femlae
* Min 2 years experience in recruitment (unlimited resources, conduct interview, personal approach, salary negotiation, etc)
* Hard working, energetic, problem solving
* English literate is a must
* Telecommunication background (preferably)
* Able to recruit with deadline
* Availability : Immediately
If you are confident and meet our requirements, send your complete resume and latest photograph to :
Human Resources Department
PT. Metro Global Services
Menara Duta Building 2nd Floor Wing B
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. B-9
South Jakarta 12910
Email :
Nurses In Saudi Arabia
Our client is seeking nurses, X ray & lab technician, receptionist for their polyclinic in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
The detail requirement as follows:
1. Female min age 22 years old.
2. 2 years experience.
3. Able to speak and write in English.
The interview will be held on Saturday, 22nd Jan 2010 at 12.30 in our office.
Submit your CV to
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630
Tel.+62218001987 Fax.+62218014020
The detail requirement as follows:
1. Female min age 22 years old.
2. 2 years experience.
3. Able to speak and write in English.
The interview will be held on Saturday, 22nd Jan 2010 at 12.30 in our office.
Submit your CV to
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630
Tel.+62218001987 Fax.+62218014020
Hotel Bumi Surabaya
We are a five stars performing hotel proudly managed by Indonesian Team
who is passionate in offering the friendliest and efficient service to our
customer and fun working environment to our employees is now seeking
individual to strengthen our value and contribution toward continuing
success both operational and financial for the post of :
Asst. Director of Finance
The individual we are seeking should have relevant educational background
with at least three years working experience in reputable public
accountant firm, familiar with Indonesian taxation meticulous and having high accomplishment to get job done in due course.
Candidates who wish to apply should do so in writing, providing an update
resume, a recent photograph and references no later than February 10th,
Please addressed your application to :
Director of Human Resources,
Hotel Bumi Surabaya
Jl. Jend. Basuki Rakmat 106, Surabaya 60271
who is passionate in offering the friendliest and efficient service to our
customer and fun working environment to our employees is now seeking
individual to strengthen our value and contribution toward continuing
success both operational and financial for the post of :
Asst. Director of Finance
The individual we are seeking should have relevant educational background
with at least three years working experience in reputable public
accountant firm, familiar with Indonesian taxation meticulous and having high accomplishment to get job done in due course.
Candidates who wish to apply should do so in writing, providing an update
resume, a recent photograph and references no later than February 10th,
Please addressed your application to :
Director of Human Resources,
Hotel Bumi Surabaya
Jl. Jend. Basuki Rakmat 106, Surabaya 60271
Akzo Nobel Decorative Paints Indonesia
Akzo Nobel Decorative Paints Indonesia ( , a multinational Company active in the fields of decorative coatings, performance coatings and specialty chemicals. Headquarters in Amsterdam and has activities in more than 80 countries, which produced Dulux & Cathylac is seeking people to fill in positions with following experiences and skills :
Management Trainee - Sales ( MT Sales – ADPI )
Management Trainee – Marketing ( MT Marketing – ADPI )
Management Trainee – Finance ( MT Finance – ADPI )
Management Trainee - HR ( MT HR – ADPI )
Management Trainee – IT ( MT IT – ADPI )
Management Trainee – Distribution ( MT Distribution – ADPI )
Qualification :
· Bachelor Degree, maximum 23 years old
· Master Degree, maximum 27 years old
· Minimum GPA 3.00, from reputable university
· Graduate from Industrial Engineering for MT - Distribution
· Fluent in English, both oral and written
· Fresh graduate or max 1 year of working experience
· Self-starter
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph to :
Please put the position applied MT Sales – ADPI / MT Marketing – ADPI / MT Finance – ADPI / MT HR – ADPI / MT IT – ADPI / MT Distribution - ADPI on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list & visit our website at
Management Trainee - Sales ( MT Sales – ADPI )
Management Trainee – Marketing ( MT Marketing – ADPI )
Management Trainee – Finance ( MT Finance – ADPI )
Management Trainee - HR ( MT HR – ADPI )
Management Trainee – IT ( MT IT – ADPI )
Management Trainee – Distribution ( MT Distribution – ADPI )
Qualification :
· Bachelor Degree, maximum 23 years old
· Master Degree, maximum 27 years old
· Minimum GPA 3.00, from reputable university
· Graduate from Industrial Engineering for MT - Distribution
· Fluent in English, both oral and written
· Fresh graduate or max 1 year of working experience
· Self-starter
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph to :
Please put the position applied MT Sales – ADPI / MT Marketing – ADPI / MT Finance – ADPI / MT HR – ADPI / MT IT – ADPI / MT Distribution - ADPI on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list & visit our website at
Job description:
Handling blog site of the company, such as making, editing and screening blog’s content.
* Male/Female, max. 28 years old
* D3, any major or high school with writing experiences
* Literate with Ms. Office
* Familiar with internet and blog
* Have a good command in writing skill
Send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph and put the position code
(IB -M0111) on e-mail subject to :
OR put the position code (IB -M0111) on your left side envelope to :
PT Mitra Kerja Utama
Wisma 76, 18th fl.
Jl. S. Parman Kav. 76
Jakarta 11410
Ph: 536.666.18
Handling blog site of the company, such as making, editing and screening blog’s content.
* Male/Female, max. 28 years old
* D3, any major or high school with writing experiences
* Literate with Ms. Office
* Familiar with internet and blog
* Have a good command in writing skill
Send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph and put the position code
(IB -M0111) on e-mail subject to :
OR put the position code (IB -M0111) on your left side envelope to :
PT Mitra Kerja Utama
Wisma 76, 18th fl.
Jl. S. Parman Kav. 76
Jakarta 11410
Ph: 536.666.18
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